144370 review-wish-instagram-make-feature-multiple wish-instagram-make-feature-multiple http://www.instagram.feedback/review-wish-instagram-make-feature-multiple 10 10 10 0 0 0 Wish Instagram would make a feature where after multiple photos have been uploaded over time we can have the option to delete one or more photos from that uploaded photo post rather than deleting the whole thing and reuploading one photo. Please make this feature. <p>Wish Instagram would make a feature where after multiple photos have been uploaded over time we can have the option to delete one or more photos from that uploaded photo post rather than deleting the whole thing and reuploading one photo.</p> <p>Please make this feature.</p> 2021-06-16T09:09+0000
Jun 16, 2021

Wish Instagram would make a feature where after multiple photos have been uploaded over time we can have the option to delete one or more photos from that uploaded photo post rather than deleting the whole thing and reuploading one photo.

Please make this feature.