144311 review-instagram-request-add-feature-delete instagram-request-add-feature-delete http://www.instagram.feedback/review-instagram-request-add-feature-delete 4 5 4 1 0 1 Please Instagram, I have a request! Please add a feature with which we can delete selected pictures from an Instagram album. Sometimes you want to delete one picture from an old Instagram album but there is no feature available for it so you have to delete the entire post/album which is very annoying. It makes me wanna post less to Instagram, Please do something about this! Thankyou. <p>Please Instagram, I have a request! Please add a feature with which we can delete selected pictures from an Instagram album. Sometimes you want to delete one picture from an old Instagram album but there is no feature available for it so you have to delete the entire post/album which is very annoying. It makes me wanna post less to Instagram, Please do something about this! Thankyou.</p> 2021-06-13T16:02+0000

Please Instagram, I have a request! Please add a feature with which we can delete selected pictures from an Instagram album. Sometimes you want to delete one picture from an old Instagram album but there is no feature available for it so you have to delete the entire post/album which is very annoying. It makes me wanna post less to Instagram, Please do something about this! Thankyou.