126149 review-good-app-enjoy-using-accounts good-app-enjoy-using-accounts http://www.instagram.feedback/review-good-app-enjoy-using-accounts 8 6 7 0 0 0 Good app, enjoy using it. However, the amount of accounts which spam many tags in the comments (often to the point where a cap is triggered) which are verified is annoying, and don’t seem to be addressed very quickly (understandably) <p>Good app, enjoy using it. However, the amount of accounts which spam many tags in the comments (often to the point where a cap is triggered) which are verified is annoying, and don’t seem to be addressed very quickly (understandably)</p> 2018-07-31T19:45+0000
Jul 31, 2018

Good app, enjoy using it. However, the amount of accounts which spam many tags in the comments (often to the point where a cap is triggered) which are verified is annoying, and don’t seem to be addressed very quickly (understandably)